About Joachim Drevs

Joachim Drevs, PhD, whose book “Integrative Oncology. Definition - Contents - Meaning ”recently published by De Gruyter, is closely monitoring the development of cancer medicine. He reads all important clinical trials and checks which approaches are most promising. In May 2020, Drevs and colleagues published the pilot study “Effect and tolerance of an immunotherapy made from one's own cancer cells in advanced cancers” in the “Journal of Clinical Oncology”.


Because there is no such thing as "cancer", but rather individuals with cancer, at UNIFONTIS you as a person are the focus of treatment. Doctors and team take their time, give you detailed and understandable advice. We tailor your personal therapy from methods of conventional medicine, naturopathy, complementary and alternative medicine, mental and animal-assisted therapies. During conventional radiation or chemotherapy, we support you with side-effect-relieving, immune-strengthening drugs and health-promoting therapies. We fight cancer with drugs that target the pH of the tumor and the acid-base balance of the body. We improve your general condition with herbal substances such as chamomile and health-promoting therapies. Animal-assisted therapies awaken courage to live, our psychologists conduct research into the causes.


Joachim Drevs was born in Konstanz, studied medicine in Göttingen and worked at numerous domestic and foreign hospitals until 2012. He completed his habilitation in Freiburg in 2005 and has been a Professor at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg since 2009. Drevs is co-editor of the newsletter "Angiogenesis" (Springer Verlag), the specialist journal "ISRN Oncology" and the "World Journal of Hepatology". He is a member of the German Society for Internal Medicine (DGIM), the German Cancer Society (DKG), the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), the Working Group of Internal Oncologists (AIO) and the Expert Council the Patient-Oriented Aftercare Foundation (PONS) and the AERES Committee of the French Ministry of Health.

Curriculum vitae of Joachim Drevs

UNIFONTIS | Prof. Dr. med. Joachim Drevs
Specialist for internal medicine
Additional qualification in hematology / private oncology doctor

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38173 Sickte

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